Tesa Baum

Tesa Baum 

Reiki Master Teacher,
Certified Hypnotherapy Practitioner

Embark on a Soulful Journey

Spiritual growth never ends!

"Our value is our time, our energy, and the uniqueness of our being. When we learn to better value ourselves, we are better able to value others, and they too can better value us.  It becomes a circle. " - Lee Harris


Love emanates from the heart. Love is a state of awareness.   Once you are in the state of love you can radiate that out to everything that your life touches. 

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Photo by Robyn Field Photography, www.robynfieldphotography.com 



When We Connect With Our Own Energy

we find our own Medicine

“My acquaintance with Tesa was initially through her Reiki classes. I found her to be a genuine and caring soul. I then had a quantum healing hypnosis session with her. It was such a wonderful experience. The time she spent with me before the healing hypnosis session was, in itself, a healing experience. During the session, I felt completely safe and relaxed. After the session I felt a lightness, as if I discovered something and a weight was lifted. I spent a lot of time afterwards processing the experience and am still reflecting on things I discovered about my life. I am truly appreciative of this experience and her wonderful skill to help me find a path to healing.” 

“During my energy healing session with Tesa I experienced sensations of stress reduction and full body relaxation. After my session, I at once felt “lighter”, centered, energized and could reaffirm that I’m exactly where I should be spiritually.” 

Beverly Kleiman Leighton

Shamanic Journeying - Since my experience with this form of meditation a few weeks ago, I continue to become aware of so much. While I sleep, my dreams have become clearer. While awake, the messages I am receiving are profound. So you may be reading this and thinking, “Jessica has gone off the deep end.” However, I still want to share, because one day this type of meditation may be right for you and you will remember this post. Maybe make that ‘one day’, is TODAY.

Jessica Mancini

I just attended a beautiful cacao ceremony led by Tesa and it was remarkable. Her knowledge of traditional , native rituals is deep and her ability to make the journey apply to current times and current obstacles is wonderful. All of us gained our own powerful insight while also connecting with each others’ energy fields. I would eagerly attend another event led by Tesa.

Madeleine Polemeni

I knew very little about Reiki before my session and I trusted Tesa completely and felt very safe in her hands. I fell into a light sleep during it and had an incredibly specific and powerful dream. After the session, Tesa reveled what she felt and saw and it turns out we saw the same thing(a cathedral where I was royalty). I was pleasantly surprised and was happy. That night I took the train back into the city to meet a friend who was taking me to a concert but I had no idea where it was. When we got off the train in Harlem, it was dark outside and we began to walk up a hill to an enormous cathedral(St. john the Divine) It was just like the vision from the session earlier that day. Incredible!

Cat Adami